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Publication Policy


All research and published studies must undergo arbitration by experienced specialists from research and scientific fields.
It is necessary for arbitrator committee to outrank the researcher (in case of a single author) or the grade level of any of the researcher (in case of multiple authors).Also each author must have a grade level of no less than an assistant professor.
Each Journal prepares a list of accredited arbitral in the disciplines of each Journal with the research experience and reputation of scientific excellence, and this list is updated continuously in the light of their experience.
The arbitrators will express opinion in the search according to specific elements of writing, including. For example
The deliverance of the research, and the extent of knowledge in area of the specialization.

. Research methodology.

Sources and notes
Composition, language and conclusions.
Evaluation at the end of academic year, to give his opinion clearly in the validity of research for publication. 
The Journals uses at least two arbitrators to academically judge each research. In case the research is rejected, the Chief Editor of the Academic Publication Council has the authority to appoint a third arbitrator. In case of a rejection the author is fully informed of all reasons the research was rejected and not published.
If a researcher from the University of Kuwait wishes to be an arbitrator to an outside committee, he/she must have a grade level higher than the author who conducted and published the journal, book, or research. 

The Councils Rights

The Council is entitled the initial examination of the report eligibility for arbitration, and the opinion of the arbitrators is mandatory for the Chief of the Editorial Board.
The Chief Editor may allow the research author to benefit from all the reasons why the research was found unacceptable to publish, and provide the author with all the opinion of the arbitrators or briefly at the request without mentioning the names of the arbitrators, without any obligation to the arbitrators.
In case the research is returned to author by arbitration committee in order to make corrections, the author has a limited time to make the corrections and return the research back to the committee If the research is delay exceeding 3 months, it will be considered withdrawn. Unless, the Chief of Committee received a compelling reason from researcher for the delay, the committee will consider an extension.
Top priority is to be given to dissemination of research accepted for publication for researchers from the University of Kuwait, particularly those related to regional studies.
The Academic Publication Council will not publish any study previously published by any other type of institute, university or publication council.
In order for the Academic Publication Council to publish a study, hard copy or an electronically, previously published and therefore without the need for researchers permission. As long as the Academic Publication Council aim on a financial gain. While in other cases, the approval must be obtained in advance and by the researcher in writing. 

The Researchers Rights:

The researcher has the right to receive a full report from committee with regards to acceptance or rejected of the study two weeks after turning study to committee for arbitration.
The researcher may publish his/her study as part of a book they have written, after three years of its publication in the academic journal. The researcher may do so after seeking permission from the journal and after listing the journal as a reference in the book.
If another journal or institute is interested in using or republishing the study, the researcher must be asked for permission to do so.
Actions and Measures in the Event of Breach of Agreement

If it is proven by the Academic Publication Council that the researcher has published the study before, after, or during the time he submitted it to the committee of arbitration, the researcher will be denied any further publishing rights from the Academic Publication Council for a year, or longer, depending on how long the Council sees fit. The Academic Publication Council will also be obligated to notify the arbitration committee of such action.
If for any reason the researcher does not make corrections requested by the committee and resubmit study with the correction on time to the committee, the researcher will be responsible for all bears arbitration wages, postage fees, and other expenses incurred by the Journal.